Posts Tagged ‘soldiers’

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Robert Baden-Powell: To earn a road-crossing badge.

Today’s chicken joke quizzes perennial government honcho Al Haig — general, Vice Army Chief of Staff, White House Chief of Staff (to presidents Nixon and Ford), Secretary of State, and Supreme High Muckety-Muck of NATO. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Al Haig: Some sinister force may have pushed it across the road. […]

Today the chicken joke queries King Frederick II “the Great” of Prussia (1712-1786). Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Old Fritz: To force the chicken on the other side to fall back.

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Xenophon: Because it was the wrong road. He needed to find a way back to the coast.

Publius Claudius Pulcher (d. ca. 249 BCE), was a Roman general and politician. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? P. Claudius: Who cares? What, you don’t get it? Well, you see, Claudius was disgraced after he tried to appoint a crony to office in Rome. His political enemies swiftboated him with a story […]