Posts Tagged ‘Nixon’

Richard Nixon died on this day in 1994. New documentary material from his turbulent presidency is still being released. So perhaps some day soon we’ll turn up a transcript like the following. HALDEMAN: So, ah, I guess we need to know, ah, why did the [expletive deleted] chicken cross the road? PRESIDENT: Edgar will find […]

Today’s chicken joke quizzes perennial government honcho Al Haig — general, Vice Army Chief of Staff, White House Chief of Staff (to presidents Nixon and Ford), Secretary of State, and Supreme High Muckety-Muck of NATO. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Al Haig: Some sinister force may have pushed it across the road. […]

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Henry Kissinger: To form a strategic alliance vid ze enemies of dze United States.